

2011 - Eastern Delight Cider



Vital Statistics
Style Dry, Eastern style (desert apple) Cider
ABV 7.1% Vol. (3.6 units)
Available Draught - 5, 10, 20 litre Bag in Box; 500ml Bottle Conditioned


2011 Eastern Delight

A trial in 2010, Eastern Delight follows the eastern style of cider. It is made from a broad range of quality desert apples.

This cider is both lighter and more acidic than either of the other 146 ciders, with a light fruity taste and a good kick of acid - very refreshing on a hot summers day. Being made from purely desert fruit, there is very little tannin to offset the sharpness and the mild flavour comes about from aging the cider in bulk.

For the 2011 blend, Hill Farm was introduced as a supplier of Russets and Cox. Also, Bramley was abandoned in favour of creating a truly eastern style, where the acid notes come from the desert fruit itself.

The varieties of apples used in Eastern Delight is broad, although includes a good amount of the following:

The cider was pressed from October 2011 - January 2012 and fermented in bulk, using wild yeasts for fermentation.






